1:1 with Tiaga Prem

Private sessions can be highly beneficial for those looking to deepen their practice, as they offer personalized attention and guidance from an experienced teacher.

Working One on One with Tiaga Prem

In a private session, the teacher can tailor the practice to the individual's specific needs, abilities, and goals,

which may not be possible

in a group class.

This personalized attention allows for more effective adjustments, modifications, and alignment cues, which can help the student to achieve greater physical and mental benefits from their practice.

Private sessions also provide an opportunity for students to ask questions and receive detailed feedback, helping them to develop a deeper understanding of the practice and its benefits.

Additionally, private sessions can be a great way for students to overcome any obstacles or challenges they may be facing in their practice, as they can work one-on-one with their teacher to find solutions and make progress.